Meet The Owner

I come from an athletic background. I competed at the collegiate level in basketball but was short lived when I tore my ACL. I came back stronger than ever before but playing sports had come to an end. I became a personal trainer, a college basketball coach, and continued to be active. To make it even more exciting, I had my first child, and he was the joy of my life.

Fatherhood, traveling as a coach, and helping people reach their goals unfortunately began to make me neglect my own. Slowly I stopped working out as much and began to eat more and more unhealthy foods. The next thing I know I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life, I couldn’t move well, shortness of breath, bad sleeping patters and much more. I found myself not having enough energy to perform daily things and more importantly I couldn’t play with my son.

I set out to make a change. I tried cardio, dieting, switching up my workout routine. It all started well but, in the end, I just put the weight back on. That’s when I began to start a new journey learning how to live a healthier life. First getting control of my mental mindset, seeing and believing that I could get to where I wanted to be. Second, which was the most important, figuring out what to do with my eating habits. My dad had been discussing with me how he feels that sometimes we can overdoit with our eating habits and before you know it, our weight can be out of control. After surviving his battle with cancer, my dad threw out the idea about how he pretty much lives off a liquid diet and has never felt better. My younger brother even began talking to me about juicing my fruits as a way of making sure I get all my fruits in for the day.

When both my brother and dad suggested these ideas to me, I had a hard time trying to accept their theories, so I rejected them both. Unfortunately, my way wasn’t working anymore, and I had to do research to see what my body could benefit from. I made a vow to myself that I wanted to be in the best shape mentally and physically as possible. After doing my research I began to see the benefits of juicing, and after a few weeks I was excited. I was waking up with energy, sleeping better, eyesight improved, and the inflammation in my body had decreased drastically. With my short success came a major setback for me.I quickly saw that slow and steady wins the race as they say. My struggle really started when I attended my mother’s birthday party. As soon as I saw all the good food and desserts that were around, I forgot very quickly about my new journey. That day turned into the next day, a couple of days, then weeks. My energy started going back down and I felt miserable. I thought to myself that I would never reach the goal that I wanted to achieve because I couldn’t let the old habits go.

I took a step back and looked over my life, realizing where I had come from. Life is a journey full of ups and downs, but as I keep persevering, in the end I will win. I learned what has worked for my body and now have been reaping the benefits. I came up with a system that works! First when I wake up in the morning, I don’t begin it with a heavy meal. I drink a juice, preferably a green juice to make sure I’m getting my vegetables in for the day. I tend to do my workouts in the morning and sometimes drinking juice during the workout helps energize me to make it through with no problems. After my workout session I may eat a big meal but trying to stay away from the sweet treats. In the late afternoon I have another juice, a few hours before I have my dinner. This is my system that works for me and has me feeling great. I’m not bloated, tired during the day, or suffering from inflammation. Juicing has changed my life for the best and I will not turn back.